Sebastian's Gopherspace (HTTP Gateway)

This extension for efind makes it possible to filter text
files by their content.
Available functions
text_contains(string: query)
Tests if the text file contains query. Returns the line
number of the first occurrence.
  $ efind . 'text_contains("foo") or text_contains("bar")'
head_contains(string: query, integer: limit)
Tests if the first limit lines of the text file contain
query. Returns the line number of the first occurrence.
  $ efind . 'head_contains("baz", 20)'
tail_contains(string: query, integer: limit)
Tests if the last limit lines of the text file contain
query. Returns the line number of the first occurrence.
  $ efind . 'tail_contains("foobar", 20)'
text_startswith(string: query)
Tests if the text file contains a line starting with query.
Returns the line number of the first occurrence.
  $ efind . 'text_startswith("foo") or text_contains("bar")'
head_startswith(string: query, integer: limit)
Tests if the first limit lines of text file contain a line
starting with query. Returns the line number of the first
  $ efind . 'head_startswith("baz", 20)'
tail_startswith(string: query, integer: limit)
Tests if the last limit lines of text file contain a line
starting with query. Returns the line number of the first
  $ efind . 'tail_startswith("foobar", 20)'
text_endswith(string: query)
Tests if the text file contains a line ending with query.
Returns the line number of the first occurrence.
  $ efind . 'text_endswith("foo") or text_contains("bar")'
head_endswith(string: query, integer: limit)
Tests if the first limit lines of text file contain a line
ending with query. Returns the line number of the first
  $ efind . 'head_endswith("baz", 20)'
tail_endswith(string: query, integer: limit)
Tests if the last limit lines of text file contain a line
ending with query. Returns the line number of the first
  $ efind . 'tail_endswith("foobar", 20)'
Returns the number of lines.
  $ efind . 'count_lines()>100'
count_match(string: query)
Returns the number of lines containing query.
  $ efind . 'count_match("foo")=5'
count_prefix(string: query)
Returns the number of lines starting with query.
  $ efind . 'count_prefix("bar")>=17'
count_suffix(string: query)
Returns the number of lines ending with query.
  $ efind . 'count_suffix("baz")=100'