Sebastian's Gopherspace (HTTP Gateway)

This extension for efind provides functions to filter
emails. It can read messages from plain text and mailbox
files. This makes it possible to search emails stored in a
Maildir folder, for example.
Date strings have to be in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
The accuracy depends on the number of specified fields. Any
field (expect the year) is optional.
Available functions
mail_check_header(string: key, string: value)
Tests if the header key of at least one found message
contains the string value. The string comparison is case
  $ efind . 'mail_check_header("X-Original-To", "")'
mail_has_header(string: key)
Tests if the header key is set in at least one found
  $ efind . 'mail_has_header("X-Virus-Scanned")'
mail_contains(string: text)
Tests if the body of at least one found message contains
  $ efind . 'mail_contains("foobar")'
mail_find_attachment(string: name)
Tests if a filename containing name is attached to a at
least one found message. The string comparison is case
  $ efind . 'mail_find_attachment("invoice.pdf")'
Tests if at least one file is attached to a found message.
  $ efind . 'mail_has_attachment()'
mail_date_equals(string: key, string: date)
Converts the header key to date and compares it to date.
  $ efind . 'mail_date_equals("Date", "2017-07-11 18:11:40")'
mail_date_before(string: key, string: date)
Tests if the date found in the header key is greater than
  $ efind . 'mail_date_before("Date", "2017-07")'
mail_date_after(string: key, string: date)
Tests if date is greater than the date found in the header
  $ efind . 'mail_date_after("Date", "2017-07-01 11:39")'
mail_from(string: sender)
Tests if the sender of a found message contains sender. The
string comparison is case insensitive.
  $ efind . 'mail_from("Alice") or mail_from("Bob")'
mail_to(string: receiver)
Tests if the receiver of a found message contains receiver.
The string comparison is case insensitive.
  $ efind . 'mail_from("Bob") and mail_to("Alice")'
mail_subject(string: subject)
Tests if the subject of a found message contains subject.
The string comparison is case insensitive.
  $ efind . 'mail_from("") and mail_subject("invoice")'
mail_sent(string: date)
Tests if at least one found message has been sent on date.
  $ efind . 'mail_sent("2017")
mail_sent_before(string: date)
Tests if at least one found message has been sent before
  $ efind . 'mail_sent_before("2017-01-01")
mail_sent_after(string: date)
Tests if at least one found message has been sent after
$ efind . 'mail_sent_after("2017-01-01 10:36")
Copy the Python script to ~/.efind/extensions or run the shell script.