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clojure-tlv is a type-length-value format implementation in Clojure.


The library can be installed from Clojars using Leiningen:

Clojars Project

Package format

A package consists of the following fields:


The first byte of a package is called tag. The two leftmost bits define the size of the length field.

The package type is stored in the other six bits of the tag.


This field indicates the payload length. It's stored in big endian format.


Variable-sized series of bytes.


A package can be created with the encode function. It expects a package type and a sequence.

=> (require '[clojure-tlv.core :as tlv])

=> (tlv/encode 23 "hello world")
(87 11 104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100)


To decode packages clojure-tlv provides a pure functional decoder. A callback function is applied to each found package.

=> (defn ->string
     (apply str (map char p)))

=> (defn print-package
     [t p]
     (println (format
                "type: %d, payload: %s"
                (->string p))))

=> (-> (tlv/decoder print-package)
       (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 23 "hello world")))

Mapping types to keywords

Package types can be mapped to keywords automatically.

=> (defmulti process-package (fn [t p] t))

=> (defmethod process-package :foo
     [t p]
     (println "I'm a foo => " (->string p)))

(defmethod process-package :bar
  [t p]
  (println "I'm a bar => " (->string p)))

(-> (tlv/decoder process-package :type-map {23 :foo
                                            42 :bar})
    (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 23 "foo"))
    (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 42 "bar")))

Session state

It's also possible to implement a stateful decoder by setting an initial session state. The state is passed to the decoder's callback function as third argument and set to the return value.

=> (assert (zero? (-> (tlv/decoder (fn
                                     [t p s]
                                     (inc s))
                                   :session-state -1)
                      (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 5 "hello world"))

Message size limit

A payload size limit can be set when defining a decoder. If a message exceeds the specified limit the decoder becomes invalid. Any new data will be ignored.

=> (let [decoder (-> (tlv/decoder (fn
                                    [t p s]
                                    (inc s))
                                  :session-state -1
                                  :max-size 1)
                     (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 1 "a"))
                     (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 1 "bc")))]
     (assert (zero? (:session-state decoder)))
     (assert (tlv/failed? decoder))
     (assert (not (tlv/valid? decoder))))

Nested packages

clojure-tlv offers a function to unpack nested packages.

=> (defn unpack-container
     [t p]
     (when-let [children (tlv/unpack p)]
       (println (clojure.string/join " "
                                     (map #(->string (second %))

=> (-> (tlv/decoder unpack-container)
       (tlv/decode (tlv/encode 1 (concat (tlv/encode 2 "klaatu")
                                         (tlv/encode 2 "barada")
                                         (tlv/encode 2 "nikto")))))

Async support

clojure-tlv provides a simple core.async wrapper.

=> (require '[clojure-tlv.async :as async]
            '[clojure.core.async :refer [>!! chan close!]])

=> (def c (-> (tlv/decoder print-package)

=> (>!! c (concat (tlv/encode 1 "foo")
                  (tlv/encode 2 "bar")))

Alternatively you can use the convenient decode-async macro.

=> (def c (chan))

=> (async/decode-async c
                       ; decoder options
                       {:session-state 1
                        :max-size 256}

                       ; package received
                       ([t p s]
                        (println (format "package %d => %s"
                                         (apply str
                                                (map char p))))
                        (inc s))

                       ; error => close channel
                        (println "error => " e)
                        (close! c)))

=> (>!! c (tlv/encode 1 "foobar"))