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Fonzie is a tiny virtual machine. It's a fun project created to test auto-generated algorithms in a virtual environment. Fonzie is a hack, don't use it in production :)

The Fonzie machine has 8 registers, a stack and two segments: one for data and another one for code.

The default stack size is 256 bytes. The data segment can have 256 bytes and the code segment 2048 bytes.

Calling a subroutine Fonzie pushes the return address onto the stack. Please keep this in mind before returning from a subroutine.


Fonzie has the following 8 registers:

A0..A3used in mathematical instructions
Rstores the result of mathematical instructions
IPpoints to the location of the current executing statement
SPpoints to the top of the stack
FLstores various flags
EXstores exceptions

The only supported data type is DWORD. Fonzie stores bytes in big endian format.

Opcodes / Instructions

Results of mathematical instructions are stored in the R register.

Comparing two DWORDs you find the result of the operation in the FL register.

The following list contains all available Opcodes:

01 (MOV_REG_REG)copy DWORD in second register to first one
02 (MOV_REG_ADDR)copy DWORD in memory to register
03 (MOV_ADDR_REG)copy DWORD in register to memory
04 (MOV_REG_DWORD)copy DWORD to register
05 (MOV_REG_ADDR_IN_REG)copy DWORD in memory to register, the address is taken from the given register
06 (INC)increment DWORD in register
07 (DEC)decrement DWORD in register
08 (SUB_REG_REG)subtract value in second register from value in first one
09 (SUB_REG_ADDR)subtract value in memory from value in register
10 (SUB_REG_DWORD)subtract DWORD from value in register
11 (ADD_REG_REG)add values from two registers
12 (ADD_REG_ADDR)add value in register and value in memory
13 (ADD_REG_DWORD)add value in register and DWORD
14 (MUL_REG_REG)multiply values from two registers
15 (MUL_REG_ADDR)multiply value in register and value in memory
16 (MUL_REG_DWORD)multiply value in register and DWORD
17 (DIV_REG_REG)divide value in second register from value in first register
18 (DIV_REG_ADDR)divide value in memory from value in register
19 (DIV_REG_DWORD)divide DWORD from value in register
20 (AND_REG_REG)bitwise AND on value in first and second register
21 (AND_REG_ADDR)bitwise AND on value in memory and register
22 (AND_REG_DWORD)bitwise AND on DWORD and value in register
20 (OR_REG_REG)bitwise OR on value in first and second register
21 (OR_REG_ADDR)bitwise OR on value in memory and register
22 (OR_REG_DWORD)bitwise OR on DWORD and value in register
26 (MOD_REG_REG)divide value in second register from value in first register
27 (MOD_REG_ADDR)divide value in memory from value in register
28 (MOD_REG_DWORD)divide DWORD from value in register
29 (RND)store random number in R
30 (RET)return from (sub)routine
31 (CMP_REG_ADDR)compare value in memory to value in register
32 (CMP_REG_REG)compare value in second register to value in first one
33 (JE)jump if compared values are equal
34 (JNE)jump if compared values aren't equal
35 (JGE)jump if second value is greater than or equal to first one
36 (JG)jump if second value is greater than first one
37 (JLE)jump if second value is less than or equal to first one
38 (JL)jump if second value is less than first one
39 (CALL)call subroutine
40 (PUSH)push DWORD stored in register to stack
41 (POP)pop DWORD from stack to register
42 (MOVSREGSTACK)copy DWORD from register to stack address
43 (MOVSSTACKREG)copy DWORD from stack address to register

The exceptions below may occur during operation:

01a specified address is invalid
02a specified register is invalid
03stack overflow
04carry over
05division by zero
06a given Opcode is invalid

Exceptions are stored in the EX register.

Returning from the main routine the virtual machine halts.

Building Fonzie / Usage

Fonzie uses GNU Make as build system. To compile the program run the following command:

$ make

Having a little endian system the additional option below is necessary:


If you have a x86 compatible CPU the following option turns on some optimizations:


You can use the executable to run binaries in the Delvecchio format. To build such binaries please have a look at the fasm project.